Here I Go

I am not sure why I really felt the urge to start this today? I think I wanted to find a way to be held accountable. But as I was putting this blog together I kept thinking, "I don't have to push it live for others to find." I can just journal here. But then what accountability will I have? To myself? You can see how well that has worked in the last 10 years.

Since the beginning of the year, I have made some small changes in my life that are starting me on this path to lose 70 pounds. Yep, 70 pounds. That will not happen overnight, huh? Back to the positive changes...

I have.....

(1) Stopped going to Caribou 3-4 times a week. I finally looked up the calorie count of my favorite drink and found that it was 650 calories! Redonkulous! Not only will that help the waistline but also the pocket book!

(2) Cut way back on the fast food drive thru at breakfast or lunch time. I am still trying to get a hold on breakfast and lunch during the work week though. Count it as progress.

(3) We joined EMealz which I blogged about here. Menu planning and wiser choices at the grocery store are helping us not eat out so much for dinner. Another good thing for the pocket book too.

(4) Chad and I both purchased Body Media Fit. Basically is like the body bugs that are worn by the contestants on the Biggest Loser. They were highlighted on our local news and Costco had a fantastic deal (which I see is expired now). We have been wearing them for a couple of weeks now and it is so interesting. So much good information that helps you make immediate changes. The biggest thing I am getting from the information is that I am not getting enough sleep. Even if I "go to bed" at a decent time, I am not in a restful state for much of it. And actually I am better than Chad as I get about 90%+ sleep efficiency so if I would go to bed a decent time I would be more rested for sure. And then it keeps track of calories burned and we can enter calories in. A great tool so far for this journey.

And now for the things that need a lot of attention:

(1) Exercise! This has always been where the weak part of my weight loss plans come in. I feel like I am "running" all day so by the end of it I just want to veg. But in reality I know that I have had a good exercise routine I have felt so much more energy throughout the day and I have slept better. I have a number of Wii exercise programs that I have wanted to do on a more regular schedule and as it gets nicer out walks/runs will become more of a reality.

(2) Diet! As I mentioned above, I have cut out a few things but I still have a lot of work to do on making wise food choices. And keeping a food diary with my Body Media unit will help me see how the choices I make effect me and my weight loss.

(3) Beverages! I love Diet Coke. Like crave it. And I like coffee with flavored creamers in it. I also like water but not as much as the first two options. Right now I have allowed the flavored creamers in one cup of coffee in the morning as I transition off Caribou. The Diet Coke I still need to work on. Getting in my water each day is a must!

(4) Motivation! Well, besides the no brainers of being healthier and a better care taker of my body and better example for my girls, I think I will need a larger prize when I reach my goal. More of that to come in a future post.

Well, I guess that about sums it up! All things I have tried or dealt with in the past. What will make this time different? How will I get over that hump of boredom or self sabotage that usually happens after a week or more into the lifestyle change? More to contemplate and write about as the story continues!
My name is Tina. I am a 35 year old wife, mother, coworker, sister, aunt and daighter.
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